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infp-t. 22. argentina. esp/eng
☼escorpio ☾capricornio ↑piscis

lifetimejin • Following

lifetimejin byf: sabías que justin es de piscis? lmao hablo mucho de mis favs. seokjin y justin los amo, nadie los ama más que yo. no sigo antis o little seven. si te molestan mis tweets porfa dame sb.
dnfi: you talk shit about justin bieber. sos bh/hybe supporter. defendes los malos tratos hacia bangtan. desvalorizas el trabajo de seokjin como solista. apoyas el odio hacia mi fav.

lifetimejin • Following

lifetimejin if you are familiar with jin's music, you probably know that not only it sounds beautiful, but each song has its own unique lyricism. as a very deep person, jin says that he prefers to open up in his solo songs and becomes the most sincere in them.
abyss 이 밤 가을 우체국 앞에서 awake (christmas ver.) 난 너를 사랑해 엄마 epiphany MV awake MV moon yours 슈퍼 참치

lifetimejin • Following

lifetimejin likes :] kim seokjin, justin bieber, dua lipa, la luna<3, lluvia, invierno, bts, agust d, kang younghyun.
dislikes :[ antis de seokjin, armys (fr), política, fake people, waking up early, verano, j*lena stans.